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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication with another journal or other publication (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in PDF, DOCX, or ODT format. A PDF version is preferred for peer review, but an editable file type must be provided upon acceptance. Please submit an anonymized version for the review process.
  • URLs and DOI for the references have been provided whenever available.
  • The text is single-spaced, uses 12-point Cambria, follows the current APA guidelines for citation, references, and the mechanics of style, and contains all illustrations, figures, and tables embedded into the text.
  • The final format of all figures and photos is in print quality (at least 600 dpi) and submitted as separate PNG, TIFF, or JPEG files.
  • The manuscript follows the current APA guidelines.
  • Processing charges: Please note that you will be charged a page fee based on the final layouted manuscript, including any supplements or appendices. Please refer to the journal homepage for the current fees.

Author Guidelines


The submission of your article to our journal, DIE ERDE, is highly appreciated! Please make sure that you comply with the following rules for a publication in DIE ERDE:

Please submit your manuscript as a PDF or a DOCX or ODT file, including all figures, tables, photos, and other material in the appropriate place–and add consecutive line numbering.



Every ERDE article must have a well-developed structure, with an introduction delineating the essential research question or intention of the text, a section presenting the methodology used, and the major sections presenting the work results, followed by conclusions, perhaps also covering consequences for future research. Please organize the paper by using a decimal classification (1., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, etc.).

An abstract of about 250 words, written in English, precedes the text, accompanied by 4-5 keywords.

Together with the title of the article, please give the authors’ names, titles, affiliations, addresses, email addresses, and ORCiD.

Figures (i.e., all graphs, diagrams, maps, and other drawings), photos, and tables are consecutively numbered. The maximum size for figures is 17 x 24 cm. The use of endnotes should be kept to a minimum.  

A short section with acknowledgments may be added before the references section.

The recommended length is 5,000–8,000 words for research and review articles and 1,500–2,500 words for short communications and opinion papers.


Supplementary Information

DIE ERDE charges a page fee for each printed page, as indicated on the journal homepage. Appendices belong to the manuscript and are subject to page charges.


Citation, References, and Mechanics of Style

DIE ERDE follows the latest version of the APA guidelines throughout the manuscript and in references.

Whenever available, please provide the DOI number as DIE ERDE cross-references documents.

After acceptance, authors are requested to submit the text, figures, tables, and photos as separate files: (a) text and tables in MS Word; (b) figures and photos as PNG, TIFF, or JPEG (of at least 600 dpi in resolution).

All manuscripts must be written in good English, and non-native speakers are recommended to consult a professional editing service before submitting the final version. If any additional language editing is necessary, authors will be charged.


Article introducing a series of contributions on the same subject or topic, namely in Special Issues

Review articles

Critical reflection on the state-of-the-art in the scientific discussion on a specific topic, reviewing the existing relevant literature about the topic. A review normally does not include new original research and should basically focus on peer-reviewed literature. There may be cases where a review of gray literature is adequate, namely in areas where relevant contributions are not available in English. Length: 5000 to 8000 words.

Research articles

Regular research articles reporting original research. This is the standard category of manuscripts submitted to Die ERDE. Recommended length: 5000 to 8000 words.

Short communications

Short research article, e.g. for one good idea with less empirical material; may also report on ongoing research;usually about 1500 to 2500 words; subject to a simplyfied review process (only one external referee).

Opinion articles

Shorter contribution from a decidedly explicit point of view, maybe controversial; 1500 to 2500 words long

Book reviews

Of course, only original book reviews, not published elsewhere before, can be considered for publication in DIE ERDE.

Standard length is about 500 words, but the book review may be shorter or longer, if necessary. Please avoid extending the review over too many paragraphs and please avoid endnotes. Please give names in full (not abbreviated).

No open call

If you submit your article for this special issue then please leave a note in the "Comments to the Editor" field if your articles should belong to a different manuscript than "Research Paper" (e.g. if it is supposed to be a Review, Short Communication or Opinion Article). Just click on the link below to start your submission.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.